Any day is a perfect day for shoe shopping
| Rajinder Bains
Here at Ogam Igam, shoes are our life and when it comes to buying kids’ shoes, we love nothing more than spending time selecting the best of our chosen brands to fill our shelves and our online store with. But it’s not as simple as you might think! There’s a lot more involved than simply looking at pictures and picking the shoes that look the nicest. If only it were that easy!
With hundreds of different designs, styles, brands, patterns, sizes, colours and materials, it’s easy to feel completely overwhelmed by the kid’s shoe market and it’s easy to get bogged down by the huge selection on offer.
We keep two things in mind when buying shoes for Ogam Igam –providing quality children’s shoes, which are both fun and a perfect fit, and making our little customers happy. They say that you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes and in our eyes, that’s pretty much the same thing.
With girls’ shoes, it’s all about pretty, practical and party – we focus on colours, tassels, sparkles, furry bits, shiny bits, flowers and different materials – all the bits and bobs that make little girls go ‘wow’, but with the addition of sensible, well-fitting designs that ensure appropriate foot development. After all, as Marilyn Munroe once said, ‘Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world’.
For boys, we focus on rough, tough and sturdy. We make sure that little boys’ feet are well looked after and that their shoes can outstand the trials and tribulations they put them through when climbing trees, jumping in muddy puddles, riding bicycles and scaling walls. We take colours and materials into consideration, as well as strong soles and all the necessary technical characteristics for the healthy development of a child’s foot.
We buy our ranges six months in advance. So while our little lovelies are getting their tootsies Spring/Summer ready for sandals and lighter footwear, we are stocking up on boots and sturdies ready for Autumn/Winter. It’s often easier to do it this way, as we know what was popular in the season that’s just ended. But at Ogam Igam, we like to bring new vibes, new colours and new designs so we take time to look at the ranges on offer, the shoes that fit our mantra and the styles we have already stocked.
To see our current ranges for boys and girls, visit us in the store or check out our website and order online.